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Category Archives: Access Games

>Oh yes, Rule of Rose is awesome

So I have yet to do a review of Rule of Rose, but now that Fiona has finished my shoes, I will def be doing one in the next day or so. For now, I leave you with a pic:

Deadly Premonition

>Deadly Premonition Pictures, Images and Photos

We just read the perfect review of Deadly Premonition on amazon, so I felt prompted to review it myself. I loved the game, let me just say that. It is a rare gem in a flood of piece of shit sequels. However, certain things are terrible about it ( controls…I mean TERRIBLE). I don’t think fighting should have ever been used in the game; they could have just done it Dream Fall style with a little hand to hand combat once and a while, or just for the boss fights. The Silent Hill-meets-Ju-on style enemies were annoying as hell, not fun or enjoyable to fight.
Anyhow I am going to avoid the obvious flaws and go over how amazing the depth is of the characters, sets, and how the mysterious ‘SWERY’ is someone I would love to have a conversation with…
deadly premonition Pictures, Images and Photos

What I love about Deadly Premonition is the attention given to its fucked up characters. Each has a delightfully alluring quality and depth that really puts the game in a league of its own. My favorite by far is Zach/York. I have somewhat become obsessed with the aloof, chain smoking detective driven by a voice in his head he has no problem admitting talking to. Since I am a GIANT fan of detective/PI movies/shows, I can’t help adore him. SWERY has to be a fan as well, there is no way he isn’t. I keep thinking back to my fav short in the Animatrix, you know this one.
Detective Story (Animatrix) Pictures, Images and Photos
I like detectives because they are always badass and severely strange. I love that about them. York and his OCD nature, his love and need for a good cup of joe that he uses to read the future ( I craved coffee every day I played it…and thankfully I had this really good organic herb infused stuff…it was awesome).I mean fuck I want to marry him ( no offense honey…).
One of my favorite sets in the game is the hotel York stays at, along with the semi def owner. Hey, it has a great breakfast buffet…
The supposedly Twin Peaks inspired ( or it appears to some that way) red room dream sequence ( where Zach is) really took my breath away, and reminded me a lot of Shadow of Destiny ( A MUST BUY…thank you Konami, yet again)
Shadow of destiny- without eike Pictures, Images and Photos
To return to some of the major flaws in the game, the driving sucks. The map is way, way too big. It takes FOREVER to get anywhere. And with the soundtrack going on and on and York talking to himself….
The ending/plot is…meh. But again it matters not. You have to play Deadly Premonition for the artistic details, not to get your shooter on. There are other games for that purpose…many.