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Monthly Archives: August 2012

Why Chicks Dig Horror



It always stuns me how many ladies love horror. Not because I assume women scare more easily ( we don’t) but because it is somewhat contrary to what the mainstream chick is supposed to love. Yet I know some very, very conservative moms who yes, love horror. They bake, cook, and some homeschool like I do, and yet there they are, talking about vampires and such.


And not the glittery ones.


So I tried to figure out why this is, and I reflected on why I love horror. I love it because I believe that many horror films have more depth than non horror, with the exception of fantasy and sci fi. They have better sets. They have more complex characters ( in general) and most have kick ass soundtracks.

I consider myself a horror connoisseur, so addicted to this genre that my Christmas list usually consists of hard to find VHS or just released horror TV shows. Stuff that you only find on ioffer and ebay, sold by fanatics who ripped the stuff themselves. My particular love is currently Asian horror, as I feel they surpass most of modern Hollywood crap. Period. I noticed when I lived in Korea how much of a contrast there is from day to day life and business to what their film industry produces. In Paju, most of the businesses were cookie cutter, aka phone store next to cafe next to phone store. People rarely broke that chain and say opened a lingerie store or something like that. Even in Seoul, generic stores and chains of a certain type were dominant.

Not in film. Their movies throw it all out there. They do whatever they want, as does Japan. They make disturbing stuff that has elements and layers to it that can take a lot of thought to figure out ( if one ever does).
I believe more and more women will enjoy horror, especially after this ( bizarre) Twilight obsession. What can I say, ladies love the undead!